by Kathryn Porritt | Jul 31, 2017 | Friendships
FINDING YOUR TRIBEFinding your Tribe: Here’s how you know if you have found them One of my most popular posts was about the importance of finding your tribe. The idea is that when you find your people, you really are finding a space in the world that you belong...
by Kathryn Porritt | Jun 21, 2017 | Friendships
YOU WANT TO MAKE A NEW FRIENDYour new ‘friend’ doesn’t. Hashtag Ouch. Social interactions are always underpinned by multi-layers of social and internal cues, previous history, current feelings and stage of life. This can lead to great outcomes, poor...
by Kathryn Porritt | Apr 21, 2017 | Friendships
HARD CONVERSATIONSOne easy way to avoid being ‘slimed’ during a conversation with a friend Have you ever felt that feeling of being ‘slimed’ after talking with a friend? I used to have a (very) good friend that it happened with all the time. I...
by Kathryn Porritt | Feb 20, 2017 | Friendships, Self Care
FINDING YOUR TRIBEWhy it’s so important. Last week I attended a breakfast seminar. I had to juggle child care and navigate getting dressed up in work clothes on a non work day. My husband had encouraged me to go, so go I did. I walked into the room, and found a...
by Kathryn Porritt | Feb 8, 2017 | Friendships, Self Care
ENDING A FRIENDSHIPHow to know it’s time. “I feel sick in my stomach, I can feel it clenching and acidic. There’s a shortening of my breath, and a jerkiness to my hands. I’m simultaneously tired, and wired.” Amber is here to see me to talk about a friendship...