by megantuohey00 | Nov 19, 2016 | Self Care
ON THE PURSUIT OF CONTENTMENTNOT HAPPINESS After the storms of talking through, and doing hard things, comes the most wonderful moments of peace and clarity. This is the reward, if you like, of facing big feelings and growing individually and as a couple. Happiness is...
by megantuohey00 | Nov 18, 2016 | Self Care
HOW TO MAKE SENSE OF ANGERLETTING ANGER BE HEARD When someone you love is angry it can be hard to manage your own feelings about their mood. Anger serves a really useful purpose. It is a defender, and it can be a creator. Most of all it is a signal communicating that...
by megantuohey00 | Nov 17, 2016 | Self Care
HOW TO HELPGRIEF, LOSS AND SADNESS. This is a post for people who feel sad. Loss and grief are the flip side to joy and connection. They are common and normal emotions, and they are ones that really, really, hurt. When you are feeling loss and grief, you may feel it...
by megantuohey00 | Nov 16, 2016 | Couples, Family, Marriage
MARRIAGE GETS HARDIT’S MEANT TO. THAT’S THE POINT OF IT. “Everything new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end”. Semisonic, Closing Time. To build a happy and successful marriage, it takes equally engaged partners. This gets tricky...
by megantuohey00 | Nov 15, 2016 | Couples, Family, Marriage
FIGHTING BECAUSE OF MONEY?YOU NEED TO READ THESE TIPS One of the most stressful things in a marriage is money, usually because we don’t have enough of it. Money is the currency of safety. A house, food, bills paid, clothes and transport are all things we need. We also...