by Kathryn Porritt | Mar 28, 2017 | Self Care
GOT A LOT ON?Me too. Here’s how to stay cool when life is busy Like you, I’m in a particularly busy season right now, with an end in sight, but not until June. Goodness. I’m juggling travel for work, childcare, kinder, school holidays, the demands...
by Kathryn Porritt | Mar 21, 2017 | Self Care
WHEN YOU HAVE A THIN SKINHOW TO BUILD SOME RESILIENCE Have you ever wondered why in some scenarios you feel more vulnerable than others you know do? Or perhaps you regularly misinterpret situations that perhaps others don’t? I might have some answers for you...
by Kathryn Porritt | Mar 15, 2017 | Self Care
THE FEELING OF OVERWHELMWhat to do to bring yourself back. Overwhelmed looks like many things. Heightened arousal in terms of fight, flight or freeze, zoning out, forgetfulness, irritability, snapping at our colleagues or loved ones, not answering calls,...
by Kathryn Porritt | Mar 9, 2017 | Couples, Marriage
ON MARRIAGEOn marriage. Specifically, my marriage. Gulp. My husband and I went away for our 10 year wedding anniversary last week, on a family holiday with our two boys. We had a magical time, it was the best holiday we have had as a family to date. But the funny...
by Kathryn Porritt | Mar 8, 2017 | Children, Family, Parenting
TODDLER REST TIMEHow my 3 year old spends an hour a day quietly playing in his bedroom Everyday we have an hour of rest time. For everyone. Including the caregiver on duty. At 12pm we start getting our 22 month old ready for sleep. After he has had his stories and a...