Why am I always tired?

Why am I always tired?

WHY AM I ALWAYS TIRED? When talking with the hundreds of participants I have worked with this year alone, I generally find that all of us are working harder than ever. All of us are tired. All of us are balancing our health and well-being against the other demands of...
When you need a new book. Not a new chapter.

When you need a new book. Not a new chapter.

WHEN YOU NEED A NEW BOOK, NOT A NEW CHAPTER  I sat down to write this morning, for the first time in a couple of weeks, I know. I wanted to start planning out new content for an exciting project I have coming up, and as I walked to my favourite coffee shop to write, I...
You can’t believe everything you think

You can’t believe everything you think

YOU CAN'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU THINK  I’m working with a client at the moment who has experienced childhood trauma. Whilst my role is not to work therapeutically with her, instead to work with her in a work-related context, it is a particularly...