by Kathryn Porritt | Jun 26, 2017 | Self Care
RECEIVING WISDOMBe the light, and seek the light. An exercise in giving and receiving wisdom. This is a topic about elders. About the need for people to light the way. About how each generation is both the light for the ones coming after them, whilst simultaneously in...
by Kathryn Porritt | Jun 23, 2017 | Children, Family, Parenting, Self Care
THE NIGHMARE PROTOCOLA simple way to manage nightmares During the course of my work, I regularly hear from people that experience nightmares. The ones that leave you feeling shaken and with vivid memories of the event. Ones that feel eerily real. When we are talking...
by Kathryn Porritt | Jun 21, 2017 | Friendships
YOU WANT TO MAKE A NEW FRIENDYour new ‘friend’ doesn’t. Hashtag Ouch. Social interactions are always underpinned by multi-layers of social and internal cues, previous history, current feelings and stage of life. This can lead to great outcomes, poor...
by Kathryn Porritt | Jun 19, 2017 | Children, Family, Parenting
CONNECTING WITH KIDSA surefire way to get them talking One of the most topical discussions I have with the leaders I work with is about connection. We talk mainly about leadership during these types of work shop, but invariably someone brings up their kids. Because,...
by Kathryn Porritt | Jun 16, 2017 | Couples, Marriage
UNFAITHFULHow a person can be unfaithful whilst remaining in a relationship If you have ever been cheated on by someone you love, or are in love with, you will know the life changing heartbreak that comes from that experience. When the pain subsides, you will ask so...