by Kathryn Porritt | Jun 2, 2017 | Self Care
WE GET KNOCKED DOWNBUT WE GET UP AGAIN Ahh life. I worked with over 75 leaders this week, across 4 sessions, and two different companies, in different industries. Vastly different, and yet overwhelmingly the same. We get knocked down, but we get up again 🙂 The work...
by Kathryn Porritt | May 30, 2017 | Self Care
WHY AM I ALWAYS TIRED? When talking with the hundreds of participants I have worked with this year alone, I generally find that all of us are working harder than ever. All of us are tired. All of us are balancing our health and well-being against the other demands of...
by Kathryn Porritt | May 26, 2017 | Children, Couples, Family, Marriage, Parenting
YOUNG CHILDREN?Feeling disconnected and isolated from the very relationship that created them? This post is for you. The demands of a young family are many. We have less time, money and more stress, chores and demands placed on us, from all angles. Becoming a parent...
by Kathryn Porritt | May 23, 2017 | Self Care
FEEL BETTER & BETTER & BETTER AGAIN.Here’s an easy daily practice that will have you at your best. Did you know that hugs are super good for you? Super good. Virginia Satir, psychotherapist, proposes that we need 4 hugs a day for survival, 8 for maintenance and...
by Kathryn Porritt | May 21, 2017 | Self Care
WHEN YOU NEED A NEW BOOK, NOT A NEW CHAPTER I sat down to write this morning, for the first time in a couple of weeks, I know. I wanted to start planning out new content for an exciting project I have coming up, and as I walked to my favourite coffee shop to write, I...