by Kathryn Porritt | Feb 20, 2017 | Friendships, Self Care
FINDING YOUR TRIBEWhy it’s so important. Last week I attended a breakfast seminar. I had to juggle child care and navigate getting dressed up in work clothes on a non work day. My husband had encouraged me to go, so go I did. I walked into the room, and found a...
by Kathryn Porritt | Feb 17, 2017 | Self Care
REJUVENATED BY MONDAYThe weekend is approaching – how to make sure you feel rejuvenated by Monday. As we make our way into the weekend today, I invite you to consider how you are going to invest your ‘free’ time, all 48 hours of it, into making your life, feel...
by Kathryn Porritt | Feb 10, 2017 | Self Care
HOW TO FIND BALANCEIN 5 EASY WAYS There’s a lot of talk about ‘seasons’ in life, that is, how we experience one stage of life in all it’s glorybefore moving onto another. This is true for us as children, teens or being grey haired nomads, or having a...
by Kathryn Porritt | Feb 8, 2017 | Friendships, Self Care
ENDING A FRIENDSHIPHow to know it’s time. “I feel sick in my stomach, I can feel it clenching and acidic. There’s a shortening of my breath, and a jerkiness to my hands. I’m simultaneously tired, and wired.” Amber is here to see me to talk about a friendship...
by Kathryn Porritt | Jan 26, 2017 | Self Care
YOUR PERCEPTION OF A SITUATIONWhen you know your perception of a situation is wrong. But you don’t know what to do. This will help. In a coaching conversation last week, I was talking with a new client, Aaron, about his manager. Aaron had a litany of complaints...
by Kathryn Porritt | Jan 24, 2017 | Self Care
STAND UP FOR YOURSELFWhen to engage and when to recalibrate: How do you know when is a good time to stand up for yourself? Recently a work colleague was on the tail end of tirade directed at her, conducted over the phone. My colleague, Sarah, had been supporting a...